Partner with us

Deliver a superior value in network security solutions to organizations of all sizes.

Become our Partner

Deliver Network Security Solutions

Our unique cybersecurity solution is available to those who wish to present a SOC-as-a-service offering to their clients. By becoming our partner, you will be able to deliver a superior value in network security solutions to organizations of all sizes. Our enterprise-level smart SOC is scalable for smaller and mid-market businesses as well as larger entities, and can be deployed for a variety of circumstances.

Provide your customers with an experienced team of cyber intelligence actors with state-level proficiency that can deliver a professional “attacker point of view” methodology to your security practices. Intimate knowledge of cybercriminal tactics and strategies allows our service to successfully monitor and identify malicious attempts on your network utilizing proven techniques and trends.

Become our Partner

And start delivering premium Security Solutions to your clients.